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    YASINDO is an Inter-denominated Christian Social Foundation specifically minister to prisoners and ex prisoners, with a


"Restoring Inmates to the Community."


"Accommodate ex prisoners to be developed, shaped and equipped through trainings and education."


Long-drawn economic crisis had an impact on the increasing unemployment and causing increasing of level of criminal. This situation causing number of inmates in Prisoner away from their capacities, especially in big cities.

Development for "those less fortunate ", behind the iron bars and acceptance for those who are freed after serving their times , often being neglected and totally ignored by community at large, due to the facts of the stigma which already been embedded within themselves.

Indeed, as religious people, it is our collective responsibility and duty to educate and nurture those who have been labeled as "society trash". This is what Yasindo carries out as our contribution to the State and Nation. In its developing and ministry Yasindo has a vision, that is to "Restore Inmates to the society". This is done by co-operating with Correctional Institutions or Prison, by conducting skill courses for male as well as female inmates in Prison, beside spiritual ministries. For ex-Prisoners Yasindo provide re-socialization dormitory for shelter, development, employment and provide tuition fee for further education up to bachelor's degree.

Yasindo wishes to inspire and encourage broader society, to be able to participate in nurturing / develop and educate more prisoners. So those who have been released shall not return "to their habitat" and eventually lead them back to the Prison.


The Late Toni Taniara


Generally for people who has served their time in prison, it will be very difficult to be accepted among society because people assume that those who have been imprisoned are bad people. This stigma is closing the door of opportunity to be returned into normal and independent life. Community's rejection and the need for their survival will bring them back to their previous community who accept them as they were eventually plunge them back into prison. This happens continuously, thus many of them went in and out the prison.


Through vision given by Holly Spirit to His servant, AMTONI TANIARA, on 1991, ministry to inmates was commenced and at the same time provide accommodation as re-socialization for ex-inmates and subsequently with several colleagues who had the desire and felt the burden, SAGI MBA and MARIA TAN, Yasindo (Anugerah Sejahtera Indonesia Foundation) was legalized before public notary Zarius Yan, SH under Deed No.: 27 dated 26 October 1992.

This vision was derived from the life of the Lord Jesus who have a pity on sinners people, even the Lord Jesus often had a dinner together with tax collector and sinners people. Generally people sympathized on those with physical suffering, but not many love those who are spiritually ill, those who have sinned. As believers we should understand that those who have suffered spiritually are in more serious conditions and, without help, they would perish.

Subsequently, Yasindo have registered in several Governmental Agencies, which are:

Department of Religious Affairs Directorate of General of Christianity Guidance Community No.: F/Kep/HK.00.5/105/3503/2001
Department of Religious Affairs Regional Office for Christianity Guidance Community No.: KW.09.7/BA.01.1/020/2010.
Department of Home Office & Regional Autonomy, Directorate General of Nation Unity No.: 78/D.I/VI/2001
Provincial Government of DKI - Special Regional of Jakarta the Capital City, Social Agency No.012,
BKKKS DKI No.: 00119.DU-7/BKKKS/ STKB /09-11
Social Politic Office Tangerang No.: 220/129/Sospol/1999
Provincial Government of DKI Social Politic Directorate No.: 530/SKT/Y/ IX/1998
Regency Government Tangerang, Social Agency No.: 464.034.06.2004
Social Agency South Tangerang No. : 460 /2133- DINSOSNAKERTRANS/2011
KKKS Tangerang No.: 19/KKKS/VII/2001
Department Social the Republic of Indonesia Regional Office DKI No.: 749/ORSOS/1996 Tipe D
State Gazette RI No. 65 of 2002
Provincial Government of West Java, Social Agency No.: 062/169/VII/Binsos


Independence is an idealogy of every nation and every human being should work to fill the independence which have been granted to make a better living.

Yasindo as a member of the nation also wish to fill Indonesian independence by carrying out activities that can contribute to this country. In accordance to the vision trusted by the Lord to us, As an Interdenominational Christian Foundation, we are focusing to serve a community group who had and still have "predicate" as prisoner.

Prisoner or ex-prisoner is a group of community who has various background of ethnic, education, religion, character and abilities. If they can be empowered and directed, they can be a useful human resource to this nation. They had indeed made mistake in the past, but that does not mean that they cannot return to the right path. We believe there is no such word as impossible or too late for anyone. And these ex prisoners, probably by most of the society are considered as evil and useless, can change, as long as they have chance and support.

For this reason, Yasindo is present to support government's program to reduce crime rate, reducing unemployment and alleviate poverty by equipping prisoners and ex-prisoners with a healthy spiritual, workmanship and shape up their mentality in order them to be able to be self supporting in the midst of the community, even to contribute their devotion to it wherever they are located and to the nation's beloved homeland.


1. Prisoners ministry in prisons.
  1. Spiritual Development.
  2. Worship and regular counselling by working with churches. This is also done by Yasindo branches in several other provinces.
  3. Skill Development.
  4. Plantation, Aluminium Calligraphy, Motor Workshop, Kolintang Music Course, Beauty / Hair Salon, Cooking, Sewing and Language Course (English and Mandarin).
2. Ministry for ex-prisoners in re-socialization Dormitory.
  1. Spiritual Development.
  2. Bible Classes.
  3. Skill Development.
  4. Wood craftsmanship in form of cross, carving, pulpit to be marketed to Christianity Book Stores all over Indonesia.
    English Language courses
    Music Class
Ex-Prisoners are accommodated and being prepared in Yasindo's dormitory for 6-12 months. For those who wish to work in secular world, Yasindo channelling them according to their education background and skills, some of them became car driver, etc. For those who are called for ministry, Yasindo send them to Biblical School or Higher Education of Theology up to Bachelor Degree and subsequently assigned to pioneer a ministry in hinterland.

Since Yasindo was established there have been many lost children who found their life again. Their lives have been reformed from trash of the society to become useful fertilizer. We have found many hidden potency within prisoners if being extracted and facilitated, they can develop themselves to become a successfully person. Up to now YASINDO have educated more than 100 ex prisoners from various types of crime, from murder, maltreatment, burglary, drugs etc. Majority of our inmates spread out in remote places of West Kalimantan, some in Jakarta, Jawa, Aceh, North Sumatera, Lampung, Jambi and Papua. Never crossed in their mind they will become servant of the Lord.

This ministry is collecting garbage and through recycling process, they come out as a useful fertilizer. Often this process is not completed in one cycle, but requires recurrent processes. No matter how many time they fall, we still will provide opportunity for them to revive. We indeed rely of the power of Holy Spirit to have the patience, perseverance, and endless love. Of course, also with hard work and endless prayers. And as its result, many of them have now become pastor, evangelist and Sunday School teachers. In big cities they serve drifters and homeless. Even there is who open a School of Theology in Aceh.

Every year we visit them to closely look at their living and ministry. We admire the power of the Lord which have transformed their lives who used to instinctively live with shortcuts to get what they want, now they are willingly leave to the hustle of big cities and live in remote areas to be a servant of the LORD. Living a very simple life and only rely on the Lord, because nothing can be expected from very poor congregation and do not receive any allowances from central church. By the providence of the Lord they are able to survive, to this day and for almost 10 years serve faithfully. Their testimony can be read at: yasindoprisonministry.blogspot.com.

To support Yasindo ministry certainly require human resources and fund which are not small. For all these years Yasindo have been 30% supported by woodcraft business, the rest is borne by the donors. But with global economic crisis, the sale of this business is greatly reduced and many donors cease their funding. We are aware that we cannot work on our own. Therefore we encourage participation of all people / churches to take part in this ministry.

Taking part in Yasindo ministry is similar to planting seeds, because one cannot see immediately the result. Results may be seen after five years through our inmates who have successfully completed their study and engaged in the ministry. But, let what human eyes cannot see, be considered by the Lord.

It is indeed, our gratitude to have you as partner. We are very grateful for any support given for this noble intension and purpose

Your support may be transferred to YASINDO to Bank BCA Wisma Asia account # 084 30 15503.
Greeting and God bless you.